Climate change often referred to global warming, a long-term changes in weather, including phenomena such as increased temperatures, increased precipitation, wind, and storms.
The phenomenon of climate change is caused by the accumulation of emissions causing the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Emissions causing greenhouse gases emitted from burning fossil fuels, burning of forest land for production and other agricultural activities. Emissions causing the greenhouse effect are well known.
Everywhere people are trying to act because the phenomenon of climate change can seriously impact biodiversity, natural resources, water resources, agriculture, infrastructure, and especially on human health and welfare. Climate change appear more threatening to humans and the ecosystems that humans depend on. As sea level is predicted to rise 1 meter in 2100, the plains and low-lying areas will be flooded, causing disruption to the lives of millions of people, and cause negative effects to the national economy in several key areas such as agriculture, livelihoods and infrastructure.
Vietnam is considered one of most affected country in the world because of the climate change, due to the long coastline and is oriented to the storm, cyclone, rainfall and frequent changes to. The phenomenon of climate change will affect some natural systems of Vietnam, the economy as well as the entire population. Evidence of average temperature has risen 0.5 ° C and sea level rise 20 cm over 50 years ago. The negative climate phenomena such as rainfall, drought and floods occur with increasing intensity greater than in Vietnam.
Viet Nam has a long history of coping with natural disasters and mitigating their effects in many ways. The ability to cope with disasters and mitigate risks should increase as national and individual wealth grows, but to increase institutional capacities remains a challenge, at a time when climate change is increasing the risks.
A recent study on the potential impacts of sea level rise shows that a 1-metre rise in sea level would affect approximately 5 percent of Viet Nam’s land area, affect 11 percent of the population, impact on 7 percent of agriculture, and reduce GDP by 10 percent. Viet Nam would rank among the top 5 most affected countries. Poverty in the typhoon and drought prone central coast region stood at 30 percent in 2010. Annually, hundrends people and houses were killed and destroyed by natural disasters (storms, floods, flash floods, land slides, fires, strange diseases…).