According to the wildlife protection organization, there are three rhinos which are killed for their horns. Although in fact there is no scientific works demonstrating the value of rhino horn in treating disease, many people still are considered rhino horn as panacea.
Rhino species are being pushed to extinction worldwide while the last Java rhino in Vietnam, one of the world’s main markets for rhino horns, died in 2010.
To bring the message "rhino horns are similar to human nails" to everyone, a community program “Nail art for rhino" will be deployed in Vietnam with the participation of many celebrities such as Hong Anh, Diem My, Hoang Thuy Linh, Le Cat Trong Ly and Hoang Yen.
The " Nail art for rhino" within the framework of the campaign "Stop using rhino horn" is a pioneering signal, to make Vietnamese people think about effective measures to prevent poaching and using wild meat.