Five years ago, the Tak Po school (located in Nam Tra My District, Quang Nam Province) gained nationwide attention with the image of a teacher and her students, dressed simply, on their school’s opening day. Today, the path to the school is no longer difficult, as the school building has been upgraded, and the Tak Po peak has become a popular camping and cloud-watching destination for many young people.
Its pristine landscape remains untouched by human intervention, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers.
After the story about Tak Po was published, philanthropists from all over the country visited the modest school to meet the teacher and her students. The Tak Po school, now made of reinforced concrete, has been built thanks to the generous contributions from kind-hearted people. The school has become a symbol of community support for the teaching efforts in the mountainous areas, led by young teachers in their twenties. Since then, Tak Po has also become a destination for volunteer tourism and a popular camping and cloud-watching spot for young adventurers.
Tak Po is nestled on the slopes of Ngoc Linh Mountain, about 9 kilometres from the centre of Nam Tra My and 144 kilometres from Hoi An. It impresses visitors with its pristine and lush scenery, making it a unique and serene destination. With its refreshing environment, Tak Po has become an ideal "healing" spot for those seeking peace and wishing to explore the primary rainforest ecosystem of Quang Nam's mountains. Camping overnight on the Tak Po peak is the most popular experience. When the first rays of sunlight pierce through the billowing clouds, casting a golden glow over the landscape, visitors can witness the mystical and pooetic beauty of the mountains of Nam Tra My. From the Tak Po peak, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the small and peaceful village hidden beneath a veil of mist. After cloud-watching, you can participate in trekking tours to explore the beauty of evergreen forests, coniferous trees, centuries-old ancient trees, or admire the wild orchids and relax with a bath at Grang Waterfall.
If you have the chance to visit Tak Po, in addition to camping, cloud-watching, and visiting the school, you can also combine your trip with exploring and learning about the local life and culture. Take the opportunity to visit the villages of the Xo Dang and Ca Dong ethnic minority people to discover their customs and try their traditional dishes. The locals are very friendly and hospitable, and they will warmly guide you to beautiful sightseeing spots and share fascinating stories about life in the high mountains. This experience offers a deeper understanding of the indigenous culture and a chance to connect with the people who call this beautiful area home.
Truc Tu - Translated by NDO