Spreading the value of Gong culture and Xòe dance to promote tourism development

Update: 04/12/2023
(TITC) – On 1st December 2023, Vietnam National Authority of Tourism kicked off the “Displaying of Intangible cultural heritage recognized by UNESCO in associating with tourism development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas” at the Centre for Art and Culture at 22 Hang Buom street, Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi.

The program introduces and displays two intangible cultural heritage properties: The Space of Gong Culture in the Central Highlands of Vietnam and Art of Xòe dance of the Thai people in Viet Nam. Thereby, conveying to the public the stories of how two representative intangible cultural heritage properties of humanity recognized by UNESCO is currently being practiced by the local communities and the desire to preserve and promote the value of heritage through the voices of the artisans.

At the same time, the program hopes to convey the message to tourists: Let's "Go to the Northwest - Go to the Central Highlands, join the communities in linking heritage to tourism". Coming here, visitors can meet communities, directly interact and hear sharing from the community to better understand, love and cherish the cultural heritage of ethnic minorities. Thereby enhancing awareness of protecting and joining hands with the community to promote the value of Vietnam's cultural heritage.

Mr. Nguyen Le Phuc - Vice Chairman of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism

Speaking at the opening of the program, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism, Mr. Nguyen Le Phuc said, cultural tourism is identified as one of the key product lines in the "Vietnam tourism development strategy to 2030" and is an important component in the "Strategy for developing Vietnam's cultural industries to 2020, vision to 2030". In four years 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023 Vietnam was honored to be awarded the title "World's Leading Heritage Destination" by the World Travel Awards, showing its outstanding global values and attractiveness of Vietnamese cultural heritage to the international community.

According to Mr. Hoang Quoc Hoa, Director of the Tourism Information Technology Center – organization units shared: "To organize this program, we received the support of localities and relevant units, especially experts and artisans from the fields of culture, heritage, education, and tourism..., with desire to best convey the outstanding values of Gong Culture and Xòe dance to the public. On this occasion, the Center also released video clips promoting these heritage values, hoped to contributing to bringing the heritage closer to domestic and foreign tourists."

Prof. Dr. Bui Quang Thanh, Member of the Scientific Council, Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts

Sharing at the program, Prof. Dr. Bui Quang Thanh, Member of the Scientific Council, Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts said, two valuable heritage values of Central Highlands are epics and gongs. Coming here, in addition to the majestic natural landscape, the thing that leaves the most impression on visitors is Gong culture. This echo leaves very deep echoes. Regarding Xòe dance, this dance often appears in important rituals of the Thai people, becoming the soul of the Thai people's cultural values. Thai people have created many extremely lively Xòe dances, containing many meaningful and profound symbols.

Happy to bring the nation's traditional culture to the Capital for the first time, a representative of the Folk Artists of Thai Group from Nghia Lo town, Yen Bai province said, "We have learned to dance since we were children. Under the guidance of previous generations, we have become more mature and dance, sing more fluently, creating a club to promote this cultural beauty. We hope that the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will pay more attention to the beauty of Xòe dance, thereby promoting more widespread."

Agreeing with the above opinion, Ba Na ethnic gong performer said, "We feel very proud when we hear the passionate, vibrant and heroic sound of the gongs resounding. Performing gongs has become a passion in each of us. Coming to the Capital this time, we hope that leaders at all levels will continue to pay more attention to conveying this precious cultural value to future generations."

Within the framework of the program, delegates watched special films about two heritage values, especially, admire the unique performances of the Thai folk artists from Nghia Lo town, Yen Bai province and the Bana folk artists from Kbang district, Gia Lai province.

At the exhibition space, delegates listened to Dr. An Thu Tra, curator of the display, introduces heritage artifacts and stories about efforts to preserve the heritage values, and exciting exchange with artisans, experienced unique local cuisine...

Tourism Information Technology Center