When living amidst the hustle and bustle of Ho Chi Minh City, sometimes the perfect getaway involves hiking mountain trails, moonlit walks, and just watching the fireflies.
Dubbed the “Little Ha Long Bay” of the south, Ba Lua – the name of a group of 45 small and big islands in the territorial waters of Kien Luong District, Kien Giang Province – is a scenic hot spot for tourists.
About a 45 minute boat ride out into Nha Trang Bay sit the islands of Mun, Tam and Mot. In recent years, the area has become popular among fishing enthusiasts looking for a quiet, tranquil place to pursue their hobby.
Tarpan horses, a breed that disappeared from the wild in Europe two centuries ago, will soon be reintroduced in southeast Bulgaria, organisers said Wednesday.
Tangkuban perahu is an active volcano, situated 30 km north of the city of Bandung in the direction of Lembang. It is the only crater in Indonesia that you can drive up to its very rim. Mount Tangkuban Perahu has a distinctive shape and looks like an “overturned boat.” The huge crater has an astonishing view and you can walk around and explore this place for around two hours.
The coastal township of Lagi in BinhThuanProvince is famous for breathtaking landscapes such as Duong Hill, Cam Binh and Nganh Tam Tan beaches, Ba Islet and ThayThimTemple. But another place luring photographers is Mui Da Beach in Tan Phuoc Commune, where visitors can see the typical daily activities of fishing villages.
It may be on the doorstep of a heaving metropolis, but this island remains an undeveloped paradise, writes Craig Tansley.
A beautiful mountain landscape, Trang Kenh is also noted for its historical and archeological importance.
A pilot project kicked off on Tuesday aiming at supporting local government to turn Hoi An ancient town in Quang Nam Province into an ecological city.
The Irrawaddy dolphin population in the Mekong River numbers roughly 85, with the survival of new calves very low, suggesting they are at high risk of extinction, environmental group WWF said Wednesday.