International search volume for Vietnam tourism shows as the fastest growing destination country globally

Update: 02/03/2022
(TITC) - According to Google destination Insights, Vietnam is currently the destination with fastest growing worldwide travel interest for both airlines and tourist accommodation.

Analytical data from Google Destination Insights shows the number of international search volume for Vietnam tourism from the beginning of December 2021 till now, in both airlines and accommodations, increased over 75%, reaching the highest rate globally. Following Vietnam are Australia, Chile, Croatia and New Zealand with an increase of 25% to 50%.

Figure 1. Monitoring Travel Trends

Source: Destination Insights with Google, 25 Feb. 2022

Figure 2. Top Growth by Destination Country

Source: Destination Insights with Google, 25 Feb. 2022

Especially, the main driving force that brings Vietnam to be the world-leading growth rate is the search volume for aviation. Figure 3 shows that from the beginning of 2022 until now, the number of international search volume for air to Vietnam is increasing dramatically, at the beginning of January 2022, it increased by about 247% over the same period, to the beginning of February 2022, it again increased to 425% and by the mid of February, it soared to 654% compared to the same period in 2021.

Figure 3. International search volume for airlines to Vietnam

Source: Destination Insights with Google, 25 Feb. 2022

Besides, Google Destination Insights also points out the highest number of search volume for Vietnam tourism come from countries such as the US, Australia, Russia, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Canada, India, the UK,... (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Top demand for Vietnam tourism by origin country

Source: Destination Insights with Google, 25 Feb. 2022

At the talk show “Vietnamese aviation opens for international travel: New momentum, new opportunity” held by the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) in coordination with Vietnam Aviation Business Association (VABA), Bamboo Airways and Dan Tri Newspaper on 24th February 2022 in Quy Nhon City, Binh Dinh Province, the participants stated that aviation and tourism are linked as two wings of an aeroplane, which means they are inseparable. The Government agreed to restore international flight routes from 15th February 2022 and resume all tourism activities from 15th March 2022; it is a golden opportunity for these two important economic sectors to recover.

The fastest growth in both international search volume for air and accommodation for Vietnam tourism is a positive signal in the verge of the preparation to reopen from 15th March of Vietnam tourism industry. Hopefully with good preparation, tourism and aviation will seize the opportunity and regain momentum in the near future.

Tourism Information Technology Center