Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued guidance to reopen the tourism activities under the new normal

Update: 17/03/2022
(TITC) - On 15th March 2022, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism issued Guidance on reopening the tourism activities under the new normal with the spirit “Adapting safely, flexibly and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic effectively” following the directions of the Government and the Prime Minister.

According to the Plan, from 15th March 2022, resuming fully international and domestic tourism activities under the new normal via air, land, rail, and sea routes ensures safety, in accordance with regulations on COVID-19 prevention and control, which is applied for international visitors to Vietnam (inbound), outbound visitors and domestic visitors. In order to reopen the tourism safety and efficiency, the following contents should be taken seriously:

For International tourism activities:

Visa policy: Implementing Resolution No. 32/NQ-CP dated on 15th March 2022 on visa exemption for citizens of the following countries: Federal Republic of Germany, French Republic, Republic of Italy, Kingdom of Spain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Russian Federation, Japan, Republic of Korea, Kingdom of Denmark, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Norway, Republic of Finland and Republic of Belarus; Implementing Official Dispatch No. 1606/VPCP-QHQT of the Office of the Government dated March 15 2022 on the restoration of Vietnam's immigration policy and related regulations.

Requirements for international visitors to Vietnam (inbound):

Travellers entering via air:

Have a negative SARS-CoV-2 test result (except children under 2 years old) using RT-PCR/RT-LAMP method within 72 hours before entry into Vietnam or have a negative rapid test result within 24 hours before entry certified by the competent authority of the country where the test is performed.

Travellers entering via land, rail and sea routes:

Have negative test result as mentioned in section above

In case no presenting proof of negative test result for SARS-CoV-2 as specified at section above, entrants are required to undergo a SARS-CoV-2 test at the border gate before entry (using RT-PCR/RT-LAMP method or rapid antigen test for SARS-CoV-2). If receiving a negative SARS-CoV-2 test result, are allowed to entry and join tour activities, if the RT - PCR test result returns positive, must follow strictly to the regulations of the health authority.

Children under 2 years old are not required to be tested for SARS-CoV-2; having not been vaccinated against COVID-19 or having never been infected with SARS-CoV-2 before, are allowed to entry and participate in activities outside the accommodation with their parents and relatives.

Must make a health declaration before entry and install/use the Vietnam health declaration application (PC-COVID), implement measures to prevent and control the pandemic as prescribed during the stay in Vietnam.

At the border gate, if having signs and symptoms of COVID-19 (a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficult breathing, muscle or body aches - fatigue - chills, new loss of taste or smell, etc.), be sure to immediately notify the health authority at the border gate to take medical measures as prescribed.

Having medical or travel insurance that covers COVID-19 treatment with a minimum liability of USD10,000.

During 10 days from the date of entry, tourists are requested to continue to self-monitor health, if having signs and symptoms of SARS-COV-2 (a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath or difficult breathing, muscle or body aches - fatigue - chills, new loss of taste or smell, etc.), must immediately notify the nearest medical facility for timely guidance and management; take prevention measures, wear medical face masks regularly, disinfect hands with hand sanitiser.

Ensure conditions on exit and entry according to Vietnam's immigration laws and other relevant regulations when travelling in Vietnam.

Outbound visitors: Comply with regulations on immigration, health and related regulations of Vietnam and other countries and territories to visit.

For domestic tourism activities:

Implementing Resolution 128/NQ-CP dated 11th October 2021 of the Government promulgating the Provisional Regulations "Adapting safely, flexibly and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic effectively" and related guiding documents to ensure safety disease prevention and control. At the same time, implementing the Program to stimulate demands and resume domestic tourism activities nationwide; Organising promotion, promoting destinations, creating diversified and attractive tourism products and experiences.

Tourism Information Technology Center