Increasing the use of smart products, support management and business activities, accelerate the recovery of the tourism industry

Update: 04/04/2022
(TITC) - Within the framework of VITM Ha Noi 2022, Tourism Information Technology Center (TITC) under Vietnam National Administration of Tourism and VIETSENS organized seminar to introduce "Digital transformation in the tourism industry".

Mr. Hoang Quoc Hoa – Deputy Director of TITC introduced overview of digital transformation in the tourism industry. Photo TITC

Introducing overview of digital transformation in the tourism industry, Mr. Hoang Quoc Hoa – Deputy Director of TITC said that digital transformation is an urgent requirement and an inevitable trend for the global tourism industry, including Vietnam. This is a strategic issue in the context of the fourth industrial revolution and the Covid-19 pandemic changing trends and consumer behaviors.

In Vietnam, digital transformation is a major policy of the Party and State through documents and resolutions, which emphasize the priority of developing digital tourism, smart tourism. The Prime Minister has issued Decision No. 1671/QD-TTg approving the "Master plan on application of information technology in tourism, period 2018-2020, toward 2025".

Overview of seminar. Photo TITC

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism has focused on implementing the guidelines and directions of the Party and State on digital transformation, gradually forming a smart tourism ecosystem connecting different stakeholders in the tourism industry as authorities, businesses, destinations, tourists.

Attending the program, Mr. Le Duc Anh - Director of Center of Information and Digital Technology (E-commerce and Digital Economy Agency - iDEA, Ministry of Industry and Trade) informed that VNAT and iDEA signed a cooperation agreement on advanced technology application and e-commerce to support tourism development. He proposed technology solutions to connect the tour guides with the system of e-commerce platforms to support tourists in their journey.

Using Smart Travel Card at the seminar. Photo TITC

In the seminar, some technology products also introduced including tourism dashboard, tourism databases for management, Vietnam Safe travel app for tourists, Vietnam Travel Guide for tour operators and tour guides, Gold Page for tourism businesses, Smart Travel Card, electronic ticketing and management system for tourism attractions…

Tourism Information Technology Center