Off-road trip with Enduro

Update: 13/07/2022
Adventurous, picky about players, but for guys who are passionate about Enduro, camaraderie, bravery, patience and the will to conquer challenges are the precious gifts this hobby has brought to them.

Performing complicated movements to cross the terrain

The passion

Enduro is often known as semi-specialized mountain bike in Vietnamese. This vehicle is optimized in terms of design and equipment to run on complex terrain.

Nguyen Anh Khoa, a member with 10 years of experience in "playing" mountain bike said: "In the past, Enduro was an off-road racing motorcycle, but today, it is fully equipped with necessary parts, such as headlights, mirrors, license plates, taillights, turn signals, horns... Enduro has been modified to suit both street conditions or off-road trips (driving on adventurous roads with complex terrain)".

The most outstanding feature of this vehicle is that its tires can be easily replaced to be compatible with many types of terrain. Depending on the form of on - road (driving on a flat road) or off - road, you can choose a tire with a ratio of 20 - 80% or 50 - 50%...

An off-road trip in Phu Son

From a unique passion for this motorbike, Enduro lovers from Hue have created the Enduro Perfume River group. The group is where Enduro-loving members gather, exchange experiences, and make exciting off-road trips to explore the Ancient Capital's dangerous but poetic roads.

Vo Dinh Huy, one of the founding members of the group, shared: “We often have off-road trips in the mountainous areas of Khe Ngang, Binh Thanh, Binh Tien (Huong Tra), Phu Son (Huong Thuy Town). These are locations with suitable terrain. Moreover, the stunning landscape satisfies the passion for terrain sports combined with this Enduro bike.

Overcoming the terrain

On average, the members of Enduro Perfume River will make 4-5 trips per month. Nguyen Anh Khoa said: “Enduro lovers in Hue have many advantages compared to other provinces. The group only takes 1-2 hours to move from the city center to various sites to practice difficult techniques, crossing streams and forests. However, with Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, trips usually take 5 to 6 hours to reach a place with suitable terrain.”

Members who are passionate about this vehicle must be fully equipped with protective equipment

Each member of Song Huong Enduro had to carry a weight of 4-5kg of protective gear, including helmets, armor to protect hands and feet, gloves, and specialized shoes  to ensure safety during the journey.

In addition, with the characteristics of the terrain, sometimes the members also have troubles due to weak or loss of phone signal, not to mention getting lost or having injuries, bike crashes, or breakdowns.

Recalling a trip "of a lifetime," Mr. Nguyen Thai Hai, a member born in 1988, said: "At the end of 2021, we participated in a trip far beyond the terrain from Dak Nen to Mang Den National Park (Kon Tum). This trip has left unforgettable memories."

Only 3km of forest road, but it took members of the group 4 hours to move on the muddy road after the rain. Without water and food, all the members were terrified because they were lost in the deep forest.

"At that time, everyone helped each other to pull the bikes out of the swamp while encouraging each other to overcome obstacles. It was not until 10 p.m. that we reached the meeting point," said Mr. Hai.

Despite the hardships, obstacles, and potential problems, for every Enduro enthusiast, every trip is a precious journey to overcome his limits. Performing specialized techniques and movements such as cornering, climbing up and down the hill, and crossing low-lying terrain, each member would experience different emotions.

It is the thrill before the terrain, self-motivation, assessment of the situation, and taking advantage of the vehicle to overcome obstacles. When trees, bushes, and roadside mounds are left behind; when the hands driving the bike begin to go numb; when the whole body has exhausted all the strength of will and body; but when the wheel reaches the destination, they themselves have conquered the new goal.

Although being "born later" compared to other provinces, the activities of the passionate Enduro boys of Hue are still hectic. Not only veteran members but young faces like Tran Viet Hao and Vo Cong Phuoc Minh have also been and continue to be inspired to work with Song Huong Enduro to practice off-road ability and conquer difficult roads.

Currently, the challenges and adventures of the mountains of Hue are the first obstacles for new members to practice and improve their techniques. But in the future, when thoroughly trained, attractive off-road motorcycle races at both ends of the country will be the destination of Hue boys who are passionate about this Enduro bike!

Story: Mai Hue. Photos: Provided by the characters

Source: Hue News - - July 12, 2022