Binh Thuan: Various activities to protect the environment at Hon Cau Marine Protected Area

Update: 14/07/2022
Many environmental protection activities in response to "World Environment Day", "World Oceans Day", and “ Vietnamese islands and Island Week” in June 2022, according to the Management Board of Hon Cau Marine Protected Area (MPA). Accordingly, the program "Monitoring marine waste" on the shore at Hon Cau Marine Protected Area was conducted by staff and volunteers of the MPA. At the same time, scientific methods in monitoring and statistics of marine waste, especially plastic waste, generat

In addition, for the first time, the Management Board of Hon Cau Marine Protected Area has also implemented the program "Monitoring coral reef waste". This is considered a premise for the unit can implement, build and complete an important database in the following years. Since then, the authorities can do research and verify the origin of marine waste, as well as improve the effectiveness of marine conservation in Hon Cau Marine Protected Area.

Furthermore, the unit also cooperated with the International Union for Conservation of Nature - IUCN Vietnam to organize the first phase of a volunteer program to protect sea turtles in 2022 with 8 participants. During this phase, the volunteer participants partook in supporting the MPA's management staff with activities such as nightly patrolling turtles at beaches, cleaning turtle hatcheries, picking up trash at beaches and coral reefs, etc. Moreover, they can also support the program “Monitoring marine waste", and install 2 new propaganda boards on environmental protection to raise visitors’ awareness.

In the coming time, the MPA will continue to deploy more activities to further promote environmental protection and biodiversity protection in Hon Cau in particular and the whole country in general.

Translated by My Thien

Source: Binh Thuan Online - - July 14, 2022