An Giang: Cam Mountain tourist area cultivates communication skills and provides for the needs of visitors

Update: 29/08/2023
On August 23, the Management Board of Nui Cam Tourist Area collaborated with the An Giang Investment and Trade Promotion Center to organize a training course titled "Communication Skills and Tourist Care for Local People" for local officials, employees, and tourism industry professionals in the province.

View of the training class

The training course was held in Chau Doc and Tinh Bien on the 22nd and 23rd of August. Participants in the training course are officials and employees working in the tourism industry, as well as businesspeople offering tourism-related services such as lodging, meals, and souvenirs in the cities of Chau Doc, Tinh Bien, and Tri Ton.

Due to the fact that communication is the key to all beginnings, communication skills are an essential element in tourism activities. Good communication skills are the most effective way to guarantee that visitors have a positive experience. By being able to communicate amicably, communicate clearly, learn to read nonverbal cues, and manage difficult situations, tour operators can guarantee that they provide visitors with a trip that is rich in positive experiences and services. Visitors play a crucial role and are one of the determining factors for the survival of the local tourism industry and businesses or activities related to tourism. Therefore, knowing what guests require, handling situations with skill, establishing trust with tourists, and providing them with a positive experience of tourism services at the destination are effective ways to retain them and determine whether they will return in the future.

The training course assists trainees in gaining a deeper understanding of professional communication skills and techniques for handling communication situations effectively. Consequently, demonstrating the civilized lifestyle and cultural behavior of tourism professionals enhances professionalism and contributes to the responsible development of local tourism.

Author: Nguyen Hao - Translator: Kim Thuan

Source: An Giang Portal - - August 24, 2023