Activities to support the Vietnam Seas and Islands Week and World Oceans Day 2024

Update: 24/05/2024
(TITC) - On 21st May 2024, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has issued Official Dispatch on organising activities on the Vietnam Seas and Islands Week and World Oceans Day 2024.

World Oceans Day (taking place on 8th June every year) adopted by the United Nations demonstrates efforts and connects people around the world to conserve and sustainably develop seas and oceans; Let's honour the values of the ocean for life, sustainable development and prosperity of humanity.

The ocean nourishes humanity and all life on earth, but our understanding of the ocean stays limited compared to the vastness and immensity of the ocean. The catastrophic impacts and consequences caused to the ocean are alarming in many parts of the world. Therefore, with the theme of World Oceans Day 2024: "Awaken new depths", we call on countries and organisations to jointly explore and awaken knowledge about the ocean; Let's work together to make changes to protect the ocean, for a blue and sustainable ocean.

In order to support World Oceans Day (8th June), Vietnam Seas and Islands Week is held from 1st June to 8th June every year as an opportunity for Vietnam to affirm its potential and determination to sustainably develop marine economic sectors, while protecting environmental resources and national sovereignty at sea.

Associated with the theme of World Oceans Day 2024, implementing the Strategy for sustainable development of Vietnam's marine economy until 2030, with a vision to 2045, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment has determined that the central theme of Vietnam Seas and Islands Week 2024 is "Sustainable management and use of marine space".

Thereby, the Ministry issued Official Dispatch to call for the participation of Central departments, ministries, branches, organisations and People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to organise activities during the Vietnam Seas and Islands Week and World Oceans Day 2024. Focusing on promoting, spreading information related to the events, including international law on seas and islands; Vietnam's legal and legitimate rights and interests at sea; location, role, importance of seas, islands and oceans; marine and island resources and environment; protect the environment, conserve the sea, develop science and technology, ensure national defence, security and effective international cooperation, gradually building Vietnam into a strong, rich country from the sea.

Organise seminars, conferences, and talkshows on sustainable management and use of marine space; management, exploitation, and reasonable, effective, equitable, and sustainable use of marine and island resources; prevent and control marine environmental pollution; protect, maintain and restore marine, coastal and island biodiversity; preserve and promote the values of natural heritage and marine cultural heritage; Minimise the impact of natural disasters as much as possible; proactively respond effectively to climate change and rising water levels.

Launch emulation movements, organise activities with community participation such as the Campaign to clean the sea, collect and treat waste and garbage, and not release plastic waste into the environment...

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