Picnic on charming Xa Reng Grass Hill in western Quang Tri

Update: 04/06/2024
The incredibly beautiful Xa Reng Grass Hill with an area of more than 20 hectares is located at Xa Reng Point, Ra Ly-Rao Village, Huong Son Commune, Huong Hoa District, in the central province of Quang Tri Province.

Tourists picnic at Xa Reng Grass Hill, the most beautiful one in western Quang Tri.

After finishing the concrete road in Ra Ly-Rao Village, which can be used by cars and motorbikes, visitors can walk for about 40 more minutes, through the canopy of primeval forest, wade through the shallow ravine and cross the forest canopy to encounter the charming Xa Reng Grass Hill. Near Xa Reng Grass Hill is a beautiful waterfall named Ra Ly.

The initial tour here is organized on a 2-day, 1-night basis. Visitors can camp overnight on the top of the grassy hill.

Tourists camp on the beautiful grass hill of Xa Reng.

According to Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Vo Van Hung, the potential for natural tourism in the mountainous district of Huong Hoa is very large, with unique and beautiful natural landscapes, facilitating the development of tours and routes in the direction of community tourism so that local people can benefit together.

The province will pay special attention and direct local and specialised agencies to create the best conditions, along with socialising tourism in accordance with local natural and social conditions, trying to bring Xa Reng Grass Hill and Ra Ly Waterfall an attractive destination for domestic and foreign tourists, to promote stronger development of Quang Tri tourism, he added.

Source: NDO - en.nhandan.vn - June 1st, 2024