Phu Yen acting for the green environment

Update: 07/06/2024
In response to World Environment Day, World Oceans Day, Environmental Action Month, and Vietnam Sea and Islands Week, Phu Yen is implementing a number of practical activities in environmental protection.

The project of planting 15 million green trees in the period 2021–2025 being implemented by the province will contribute to land restoration, desertification, drought resilience, and protecting the environment

World Environment Day (June 5) this year was launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) with the theme "Land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience" to call on countries worldwide to join hands towards the goals of land restoration, fighting desertification and drought resilience, slowing climate change, protecting nature, enhancing livelihoods, and food security for billions of people around the world.

World Oceans Day (June 8) has the topic "Deeper Understanding of the Ocean" to encourage countries and organizations to research, awaken ocean insights, and work for change to conserve the ocean for a blue and sustainable ocean.

Vietnam Sea and Islands Week, held from June 1-8 every year, is an opportunity for Vietnam to affirm the potential and determination of sustainable development of marine economic sectors while conserving natural resources, the environment, and national sovereignty at sea.

This year, in addition to widely disseminating, raising awareness, and organizing activities in honor of World Environment Day and Environmental Action Month, the PPC directed departments, branches, and localities to continue implementing the Law on Environmental Protection in 2020, as well as the central and provincial authorities' directives on proactively responding to climate change.

According to Mr Nguyen An Phu, Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment Deputy Director, the province's key series of activities in response to World Environment Day is to organize the consideration and awarding of the Phu Yen Provincial Environmental Award. Organizing a model to encourage fishermen to bring garbage to shore; a festival to collect hazardous waste (batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, etc.) in the community; and a conference to train and disseminate regulations on climate change and environmental management. Furthermore, organize the treatment of waste pollution points and implement solutions to prevent this situation from happening again. Guiding and replicating the model of sorting garbage, reducing single-use plastic items in offices, schools, residential areas, etc.

From now until the end of June 2024, the province simultaneously organizes propaganda activities, focusing on practical activities that are pervasive and strongly affect the awareness of the community. Strengthening control of waste collection, transportation and treatment services, coastal plastic waste on islands. Organize campaigns to clean the sea, improve sewage collection and waste disposal, and prevent plastic waste from entering the environment, etc.

Localities, agencies, and units are responsible for reviewing, classifying, and monitoring land quality developments; investigating and evaluating contaminated and potentially polluted land areas to ensure that these areas must be zoned; developing and implementing plans to treat, renovate, and restore polluted land environments; and taking measures to prevent and minimize the process of desertification and drought in the area. Simultaneously, promote actions to maintain and develop forests, effectively use land resources, and develop livelihoods for people in at-risk or desertified areas.

According to comrade Ho Thi Nguyen Thao, Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee Member, PPC Vice Chairwoman, localities need to strengthen the strict control of waste sources from construction, industry, and agriculture activities and regulations on waste classification at source, ensuring that waste generated must be treated to meet the requirements of environmental protection and prohibiting improper discharge into the soil environment.

Concurrently, timely commend and reward organizations, individuals, communities, and enterprises with outstanding achievements and initiatives in environmental protection, climate change response, and protection of the country's resources.

Translated by Hai Loan

Source: Phu Yen News - - June 5, 2024