Strategic step to strengthen cooperation to promote rail tourism

Update: 10/07/2024
(TITC) - On 9th July 2024, in Ha Noi, Chairman of Vietnam National Authority of Tourism (VNAT) Nguyen Trung Khanh and General Director of Vietnam Railway Corporation (VRC) Hoang Gia Khanh signed a memorandum of cooperation between the two sectors to promote rail tourism activities, 2024 - 2030 period. The signing ceremony was held in a special space - the community train carriage.

The signing ceremony had the presence of Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ho An Phong; Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Danh Huy and the leadership teams of the two sides, news and press agencies.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ho An Phong highly appreciated VNAT and VRC for holding the cooperation signing ceremony on meaningful occasion - 64th anniversary of the establishment of Vietnam's tourism industry (1960-2024).

“This is a strategic step to strengthen the cooperation between tourism and railway sectors in the country's development, contributing to increase economic development, improving service business efficiency, and providing better service for residents and tourists”, Deputy Minister Ho An Phong emphasized.

Tourism is a comprehensive economic sector, related to many industries and sectors in the economy. Tourism and transportation have closely related and mutually supportive. Tourism development is inseparable from transportation system development, including railway transportation - a safe, efficient means of transportation that brings many special experiences to tourists. The MoU opens up new opportunities to promote sustainable tourism development.

According to Mr. Nguyen Trung Khanh, today's cooperation signing ceremony opens up opportunities for the two sides to effectively exploit the great potential of the railway system, increase the number of tourists, creating new and attractive tourism products and services combined with the rail transport system along the length of the country.

Mr. Dang Sy Manh, VRC’s Chairman, said: VRC railway system is more than 3,000km long passing through 34 provinces and cities. There are many beautiful roads to admire the country beauty through the train doors. Many stations are located at national tourist hotspots. VRC wants to turn passengers' train journey into an unforgettable experience.

According to the content of MoU, VNAT and VRC will coordinate to promote Vietnam tourist destinations and the image of Vietnam railway through websites and social networks of both sides. Supporting the organization of tourism fairs, trade - tourism seminars, famtrip, presstrip, events to welcome tourists at the beginning of the year, culture - tourism - culinary festivals in localities...

The two sides cooperate in digital transformation to improve the quality of service and experience of rail tourists; Integrating the digital transformation systems of the two sides, creating favorable conditions for tourists to use the railway industry's services and utilities on tourism industry applications.

The two sides also cooperate in promoting rail tourism activities and building stimulus programs by rail; Regularly exchange information, research and develop railway routes; Introducing new products and travel publications on trains; Supporting training and development of human resources. Connecting tourism service businesses to stimulate railway tourism, creating new tourism products associated with railways...

At the ceremony, delegates watched a video clip introducing rail tourism jointly produced by VNAT and VRC.

Tourism Information Technology Center