German-Viet Nam cooperate on developing wind energy

Update: 18/11/2015
On occasion of the one-week business trip of eight German companies of the wind energy sector with aim to explore the potential of the Vietnamese wind market, German Industry and Commerce in Viet Nam (GIC) will organize the one-day conference about wind energy –Viet Nam and Germany working together on November 23 in Ho Chi Minh City with theme of “New chances with the new Feed-in Tariff’.

Accordingly, eight German companies including ABO Wind AG, Ammonit Measurement GmbH, Anemos GmbH, Enercon GmbH, leXsolar, Nordex Energy GmbH, SETEC Wind-Power GmbH and WKA Beton Service will have the opportunity to present their products and services to 100 Vietnamese companies and participants. The conference is aimed to connect German and Vietnamese wind power companies to build partnerships and boost project implementation in the sector and discuss opportunities for joint business.

The potential for development of wind energy in Viet Nam is huge with more than 3,000km of coastline, a monsoon climate and an average wind speed of approximately 6 m/s. The Vietnamese government has recognized this potential and aims to significantly increase its renewable energy production including the share of wind power with a target of up to 6.2 GW being produced in 2030.

The current feed-in tariff of 7.8 USct/kWh is under revision to become more favorable and attract foreign investment. In addition, there are supplementary instruments, such as import tax exemption, land incentives and corporate income tax reduction incentivizing the development of the sector.

Since 2011, 3 wind farms with a total capacity of 52 MW have been installed with the support of  international service providers and suppliers. Other parks are currently under planning and numerous wind measurements were carried out according to IEC standards by the GIZ.

In short, German companies in the wind energy sector can now seize a number of business opportunities along the value chain. Project developers, sales and operation managers, suppliers, engineers, planning consultants and wind measurements suppliers will be required in the very close future to invigorate the growth of the Vietnamese wind power market.

The conference is supported by the “renewables – Made in Germany” initiative by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the Delegate of German Industry and Commerce in Viet Nam (AHK Viet Nam) with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft fürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ).

Source: SGGP