Viet Nam – United States: Cooperation on coping with illegal trading of wild fauna and flora species

Update: 30/05/2016
On the occasion of the President of the United States Barack Obama’s visit to Vietnam from May 23 to May 25, the two governments established the United States - Viet Nam partnership on coping with illegal trading of wild fauna and flora, based on the principals as below:

Two parties recognize that the illegal trading and consumption of wild fauna, flora species and its originated productshave been threatening to the unreplaceable global biodiversity, affecting economy and community in the world.


To be aware of this issue, the two Governments agree to establish the partnership to battle with the illegal trading of wild fauna and flora species and its originated products.


Under this partnership, the two countries commit to enhance efforts and reinforce their collaboration in 4 strategic sectors: minimizing demand of consumption of wild fauna and flora species and its originated products; intensifying prosecution and legal implementation; consolidating and implementing legal document system related to crime on wildlife; and strengthening international cooperation.


To improve legal implementation effect, leaders of the two countries commit to strengthen bilateral cooperation in this field.


Toenhance implementation of activities under the framework of this partnership, leaders of the two countries plan a new 5-year bilateral cooperation on coping with illegal trading of wild fauna and flora species which implemented through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), of which Viet Nam’s partner is Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.


The two countries commit to consider the trading of wild fauna and flora species is a serious crime according to the Resolution No. A/RES/69/314 issued by the General Assembly of the United Nations on coping with illegal trading of wild fauna and flora species. Moreover, Viet Nam also reaffirms the effective implementationof new articles related to wildlife crimes stipulated in the new Viet Nam Penal Code which recently approved.
