Ru Cha primeval mangrove forest

Update: 07/10/2016
Clouds, water, and trees have created a beautiful picture featuring yellow autumn in Ru Cha – the sole primeval mangrove forest on Tam Giang Lagoon in the central province of Thua Thien Hue.
Ru Cha in Thuan Hoa commune, Huong Phong village, Huong Tra town is around 15km from downtown Hue City.
Cement path to Ru Cha
Trees grown along the lagoon aim to prevent from saltwater intrusion. 
Ru Cha is surrounded by Tam Giang Lagoon.
The special forest is called Ru Cha- the name of a kind of tree accounting for 90% of natural trees.
71-year- old Nguyen Ngoc Dap and his wife have been the only residents in the forest for more than 30 years.
In autumn, all Cha leaves turn into yellow, making natural landscapes more beautifully stunning. 