Golf courses - a great potential for tourism development in Ha Noi

Update: 31/03/2022
(TITC) - Golf tourism is a type of sport tourism that is gaining popularity over recent years. It combines golf playing with discovering, sightseeing and relaxing at the destination. It is a promising opportunity for tourism development in Vietnam in general and Ha Noi in particular.

Golf courses suit the current period of Covid-19 pandemic prevention and control, since it meets safety criteria, ensures social distancing, and limits large gatherings.

Currently, the resilience in tourism of Vietnam and Ha Noi in 2022 and the coming time still face challenges.

For the type of golf tourism, Dr. Pham Thanh Tri, Standing Vice Chairman of Vietnam Golf Tourism Association (VIGTA) said up to now, there are rarely Vietnamese tour operators specialising in golf tourism. Whereas in countries like Thailand and Malaysia, reasonable package tours have been created in association with golf.

According to information from VIGTA, there are currently seven high-class golf courses in Ha Noi, which have received numerous compliments from not only domestic golfers but also international ones such as Long Bien, Kings’ Island Golf, Van Tri Golf Club, Legend Hill Golf Resort, Hanoi Golf Club, among others.

These are courses that have all the elements such as beautiful design, creating great challenges on the course and quality service, etc. Therefore, these golf courses are always the destination of major tournaments with domestic and also international scope.

According to Mr. Tri, there are 3 issues that need to be tackled to develop golf tourism in Ha Noi. Firstly, by the end of 2022, Ha Noi needs to expand its golf course area to welcome and serve customers. Secondly, there should be more linkages between golf course management units and tour operators since these links are weak. Besides, in order to enhance the attractiveness of golf tourism, Ha Noi should include craft village experiences or spiritual tourism in the tours to extend guest stays and develop and promote local tourism resources effectively.

As the number of golfers in Vietnam is increasing gradually, it is expected that by 2025, there will be about 300,000 golfers in Vietnam. Vietnam fully reopens tourism activities from 15th March 2022. International tourists including golfers are being created favorable conditions to come to Vietnam. In the coming time, the number of international visitors will gradually increase again. The city's leaders can seize the opportunity, promote golf tourism for foreigners. It would be a good way to restore the tourism industry in the capital city

Yet, in order to develop sustainably, it is necessary to have strict management policies in converting land resources to golf courses, reasonable management and use of water resources for golf course development, along with the control in chemicals and fertilisers usage in golf areas. Regular monitoring on the environmental status of the golf courses in operation is a suggestion, in order to have solutions for more sustainable development of this type of recreational sport.

Tourism Information Technology Center