A pilot program of shared bike service in Hue

Update: 05/04/2022
A pilot program of shared bike services will begin on April 29, along with “Hue Citadel By Night” launched on April 22 and many other programs and festivals in order to create a highlight to raise tourism demand after the opening of international tourist markets.

Toa Kham Wharf is one of the seven bike docks in the south of the city

After the completion of the two walking routes along the Huong River, between Truong Tien Bridge and Da Vien Bridge, both the locals and visitors are excited to experience by visiting places and sightseeing by bike. This makes a vibrant atmosphere in the city center and along the two riverbanks.

Moreover, local residents have started to switch from other vehicles such as buses, cars and motorbikes to bikes to go to work and school, or go sightseeing around the city. The idea of turning Hue into a city of bike has started.

To this end, Hue City People’s Committee collaborates with German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and VIETSOFTPRO Joint Stock Company to conduct a pilot program of shared bike services, launched on April 29 in the central areas of the city.

Public shared bike program is a service of public bike rent that allows users to move from one dock to another, or around the city, and they can return the bike at any dock within the system other than the original dock.

This service effectively networks with other traditional public vehicles, making a better system of public transports. The service offers people an alternative means to move within a short distance in an environmentally-friendly way, and it also helps to reduce urban traffic jam, especially during the peak hours.

An IT-assisted management system will be deployed by the service provider. A mobile app is also used in the management of bike operations. Moreover, its data is synchronized with the information system of Thua Thien Hue Intelligent Operation Center to ensure the management efficiency and service quality.

Local residents and visitors lock and unlock the bike by using their smart phones to scan a QR code on a smart lock with a GPS-locator. The only condition of use is that users must have a smart phone and an account available for electronic payment.

The first phase of the pilot will be conducted at 7 locations, including Eo Bau Nam Xuong, Eo Bau Nam Thang, Nguyen Van Troi park, Toa Kham Wharf, Nghinh Luong Dinh park, the parking space at Ho Chi Minh Museum and the parking space at 11 Le Loi street. Each dock has about 10 – 20 bikes.

According to leaders of the City People’s Committee, the pilot program implementation period lasts from February 2022 to December 2023. The first phase (February 2022 – December 2022) is for the pilot of the shared bike program in the south area of the city, including the area along the Huong River bank, the network with bus stations and boat wharves, and the Citadel. The evaluation and improvement will also be made during the last six months of the phase to prepare for the second phase of the program.

From December 2022 to June 2023 (the second phase), the pilot will be expanded up to 20 docks. From June 2023 to December 2023 (the third phase), a comprehensive operation will be piloted, with the synchronization of app features and management to ensure a smooth operation.

By Minh Thu

Source: Hue News - baothuathienhue.vn - April 4, 2022