Mekong Tourism Forum 2022: Jointly cooperate for a resilient and sustainable tourism in the region

Update: 14/10/2022
(TITC) - This is the important message to be given at the Mekong Tourism Forum (MTF) 2022, which took place at Hoiana Resort & Golf (Hoiana), Quang Nam Province, on 12th October. The event was organised and co-chaired by the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in cooperation with the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO), with the support from the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

Overview of the Forum (Photo: TITC)

This is the first in-person gathering of the six Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) destinations since 2019.

Strengthening intra-regional linkages, promote effective public-private partnership

Speaking at the Opening ceremony of the MTF 2022, Mr. Nguyen Trung Khanh, Chairman of Vietnam National Administration of Tourism (VNAT) emphasised, to restore tourism growth in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), in the upcoming time, member countries should strengthen intra-regional linkages and cooperation; promote effective public-private partnership and build new partnerships; promote communication and joint tourism promotion; develop and improve product quality, upgrading tourism infrastructure and facilities; promote digital transformation and application of information technology in tourism.

Mr. Nguyen Trung Khanh, Chairman of Vietnam Administration of Tourism speaking at the Forum (Photo: TITC)

“I believe that to successfully rebuild the tourism industry, we need to act together with a collective effort towards the common goal of revitalising the Mekong tourism industry. As countries with the advantage of close geographical location, mutual trust and effective tourism cooperation mechanism, I believe that in the near future, the Greater Mekong Sub-region will recover strongly after the pandemic, affirming its position as an attractive common destination for international tourists” - emphasised VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh.

Mr. Tran Van Tan - Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Quang Nam Province speaking at the Forum (Photo: TITC)

Mr. Tran Van Tan - Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Quang Nam Province said, due to the economic importance, as well as its influence on the social and environmental values, Quang Nam Province has put all efforts to recover the industry. In 2022, Quang Nam Province is honoured to be the host of the Visit Vietnam Year - a grand national tourism event with the theme “A green destination”. The Forum is a precious opportunity to promote and introduce tangible/intangible cultural values, unique and novel tourism resources and products to worldwide friends and tourists; strengthening the linkage and cooperation to recover and develop tourism, spreading the image of the country and people of Vietnam in general, Quang Nam Province in particular; and last but not least, enhancing the linkages within tourism destinations in Vietnam and other countries such as Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar and China.

Capturing new trends, increase resilience and sustainability of the tourism industry

Ms. Suvimol Thanasarakij - Executive director of the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) (Photo: TITC)

Ms. Suvimol Thanasarakij - Executive director of the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) stated: World tourism has been beaming positive recovery signs. However, it can be seen that tourism is a vulnerable industry. Therefore, its resilience and sustainability are the key factors to recover and develop in the near future. The recovery of tourism is not only to solve the existing problems such as overcrowded, “bubble” development, dependent on several source markets... but also to cope with “freshmen”, especially responding to risks related to natural disasters, pandemics, conflicts, etc.

According to Ms. Suvimol Thanasarakij, post covid-19, the GMS tourism was suffering heavy losses, it is now or never to strengthen the tourism cooperation relationship to increase resilience and towards sustainable development.

Ms. Liz Ortiguera, CEO of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) (Photo: TITC)

Ms. Liz Ortiguera, CEO of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) indicated that tourism industry has been massively hit by the pandemic. The crisis calls for a need to rethink and reshape tourism towards a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient sector. The session will chart the future on how megatrends could evolve, and how travel dynamics will evolve in Asia Pacific especially in Mekong region, and how tourism stakeholders should adapt for the future

At the same topic, Mr. Wouter Schalken Senior - Sustainable Tourism Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB) emphasised the significance of the concerted policies, regulations that ensure tourism resilience and sustainability, the investments needed to ensure tourism resilience and sustainability, emphasising quality infrastructure, nature-based solutions, and industry-wide adoption of nature-positive operational practices and diversification.

Technology: Unlocking Green Tourism Opportunities

Panel discussion on Technology: Unlocking Green Tourism Opportunities (Photo: TITC)

At the Panel discussion on Technology: Unlocking Green Tourism Opportunities, panellists gave a broader perspective on how technology can shape the future of green tourism, learning ways to evolve into more environmentally and socially sustainable business models through digital technology.

The majority of panellists highly appreciated the importance of the digital economy, especially during the Covid-19 era. Online connection applications are a good deal for businesses to exchange information, operate, reduce expenses and offer a convenient way of shopping and payment for customers. Panellists agreed that governments should have supporting policies to raise awareness about the digital economy and environmental protection.

Panel Discussion: “Social Enterprises: A Purposeful and Powerful Tool for Sustainable Tourism Recovery, Development and Promotion” (Photo: TITC)

Panel Discussion: “Social Enterprises: A Purposeful and Powerful Tool for Sustainable Tourism Recovery, Development and Promotion” interactively brings together sustainable tourism practitioners, government officials, and development partners to share how they are connecting Mekong Tourism stakeholders with new markets, nature and culture-based experiences, business development services, and finance to foster sustainable tourism recovery. In addition, discuss on How social and environmentally sustainable-certified tourism businesses can leverage certification status to attract new and higher-yielding visitors to the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).

Panel Discussion: New Ways of Connecting Sustainable Tourism Suppliers and Buyers (Photo: TITC)

During the Panel Discussion : New Ways of Connecting Sustainable Tourism Suppliers and Buyers, panellists discussed discovering new ways of connecting Mekong tourism stakeholders with markets, finance, nature, and each other to foster a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 downturn.

Joining hands for a sustainable development of tourism

Speaking to close the Forum, VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh highly appreciated opinions of leaders, tourism leaders of the Greater Mekong countries, international organisations, experts and tourism businesses.

“Presentations and discussions at the Forum showed a strong trend of tourism recovery, continuing to affirm its role as a driving force and occupy an important position in the process of Socio-economic recovery and development of countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region”, emphasised VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh.

Head of the tourism group of countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (Photo: TITC)

He indicated that develop and nourish well the tourism potential of the Greater Mekong Subregion via intra-regional linkages and cooperation, new business models and digital technology applications will make an important contribution to job creation, capacity building and development of local human resources, promoting tourism positioning and brands, especially attracting investments for the region towards sustainable and inclusive growth.

Despite the severe influence of the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism in the Greater Mekong Sub-region still affirms huge strengths and promising potentials for the recovery and dynamic economic and social development of member countries. VNAT’s Chairman Nguyen Trung Khanh kindly requested member countries in the Greater Mekong Sub-region to keep the linkage and strengthen the cooperation, share experiences and continue to implement joint projects of the sub-region to jointly develop a positive brand for the common destination.

Handover MTF Flag Ceremony for Cambodia (Photo: TITC)

At the end, the MTF handover ceremony took place, the MTF 2023 will be hosted by Cambodia with the theme “Rethink for Resilience and Digitalization”. It is expected to take place from 16th - 20th March 2023 in Preah Sihanoukville province, Cambodia.

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