An Energy-Saving Hotel: Saigon-Quy Nhon Hotel offers a sense of warmth and comfort

Update: 24/11/2008
On November 11, 2008, the Energy Saving Office un­der the Ministry of Industry and Trade held an award ceremony for the "Second Annual Energy-Efficient Building 2008" contest.

Of the three first prizes, Saigontourist Holding Company won two: the five-star Majestic Saigon Hotel in HCM City received a first prize for renovated build­ing and the four-star Saigon-Quy Nhon Hotel in Binh Dinh Prov­ince received a first prize for new building.


For the Saigon-Quy Nhon Hotel, the prize acknowledges efficient use of resources and environmen­tal protection, leading to green and sustainable tourism.


Saigon-Quy Nhon Hotel faces the beautiful coast in Quy Nhon City, only 25 minutes drive from Phu Cat Airport, and is close to many points of interest for travelers to explore the age-old culture.


The hotel was put into operation in 2005. It has two buildings with­out basements. The low building has two stories and the other has eight stories with a total area of 11,380 square meters.


The hotel was designed to take full advantage of the beautiful loca­tion, and the architecture is in har­mony with the local foliage. Gusts of cool air waft into the hotel from the sea, providing a natural flow of fresh air in the buildings. The sea breezes are purified by the green plants in the park opposite the ho­tel. The hotel has been built to give maximum energy efficiency.


Another impressive feature of the hotel is the swimming pool, which is built into a hidden cor­ner between the two buildings and landscaped with a variety of plants and flowers, creating a private at­mosphere. In the morning, guests can relax in this tranquil atmosphere filled with the fragrance of wild orchids, or take a sunbath under the mild sunlight in the af­ternoon. At night, the mood is of romance, with a sky filled with stars, candlelight glistening on the surface of the lake and the melodi­ous sounds of music coming from the bar.


"Our hotel has relatively close and effective policies in managing and maintaining the buildings as well as facilities. Energy consump­tion management has been a top priority as it affects directly on our revenue and profit," said the hotel's general director Nguyen Van Minh. Therefore, many policies and meth­ods to save and utilize energy effi­ciently have been implemented by the hotel through facility and hu­man resources management. With these applications, the hotel can save about 10-40% of power con­sumption and prevent waste and environmental pollution.


The hotel's interest in energy utilization and environmental pro­tection is highly appreciated by clientele and the environment and energy offices. "This is also one of the ways to build Saigon-Quy Nhon brand name," Minh said.


The four-star Saigon-Quy Nhon Hotel has 148 well-appointed rooms, including 11 luxurious suites. The hotel also owns res­taurants, offices, reference rooms, meeting rooms and areas for rec­reation. All are elegantly designed to provide clientele with warmth and comfort and decorated in vi­brant Vietnamese art and modern architecture to meet the demands of business and MICE tourists.


The restaurants in the hotel in­clude the Seaview and Imperial, and Golden Sand and Cherry bars. Western, Asian and Vietnamese gastronomy is available to satisfy the appetite of any diner.


In late 2007, the hotel took own­ership of Hoang Hau (Queen) Res­taurant at Ghenh Rang Resort, one of the most beautiful positions in Quy Nhon City. At Hoang Hau Restaurant, tourists can savor de­licious dishes and enjoy fascinat­ing beauty spots such as Hoang Hau Beach, Ong Hoang Mansion and Chong Rocks in a setting of impressive mountains, the vast sea and bright blue sky. The high­lights are the Binh Dinh dishes and Western-Asian dishes with unique flavors of the area, such as shrimp cocktail, eels simmered with green bananas, steamed king crabs and tuna salted fish.


Saigon-Quy Nhon Hotel will ar­range sightseeing tours to tourist destinations in Binh Dinh Province, particularly in Tay Son District, the homeland of King Quang Trung.

Source: SGT