The 130 hectare Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary, of which 60 hectares consists of old forested land, was established over a century ago in Nhà Mát District, Bac Lieu City. The area has been preserved and developed in recent years and experienced a consequential tripling in bird numbers.
Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary was previously home to some 20 thousand individuals of 4 bird species listed in the Vietnam Red Book of endangered species. These numbers have now tripled and 9 species of rare birds call the sanctuary home. The area is also home to 104 species of flora including several listed in the Red Book. These achievements are the direct result of improved management and community education.
“Along with the state’s support in recent years, we have plans and objectives to promote and protect the biodiversity of the area. We have cleared water channels to provide a clean and friendly environment for birds.” Said Nguyen Trung Chanh, Director of Bac Lieu Bird Sanctuary Nature Reserve
In order to improve and effectively manage the sanctuary, the management will developed it into an eco-tourism site while maintaining the existing bird sanctuary areas. This new development will contribute financially to the preservation of the area and all bird and flora species living here.