“Green School” – one of the key projects of the 2013 Earth Hour Campaign in Ho Chi Minh City – was inaugurated at Tran Hung Dao Primary School in District 1 on March 15.
As this year’s message reads: “Do more than turn off power for one hour”, the project aims to raise students’ awareness of the importance of green and sustainable living so that they become major players in building a better environment.
Earlier, the “Ecological Roof” project was kicked off in a local nursery school, using recycled milk cans to make environmentally-friendly roofs.
A wide range of other activities are underway in the city in response to the campaign, including Cycling for the Environment, 20 Seconds for Earth Hour, Green Energy Street Quarter and Green Hands.
On February 25, the Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that the 2013 Earth Hour Campaign will be from 8.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m. on March 23.
In 2012, the campaign saved 546,000 kWh of electricity in Vietnam.