Unique features of Mang Den market in Kon Tum

Update: 07/08/2024
Mang Den market in Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province is held every week from Friday afternoon to Sunday.

Coming to the market, local people and visitors have a chance to tour and purchase OCOP products and local specialties, while immersing themselves in the gong culture space, experience the culture of local ethnic minorities, taste local dishes and enjoy the cool and fresh air of the beautiful town.

Mang Den market has been organized by the Kon Plong district People’s Committee since 2023 and is expected to renew tourism products, attract more tourists, create livelihoods and increase income for ethnic minorities in the district.

Below are some photos of the market.

A gong performance at Mang Den market

A stall at Mang Den market

Local people selling OCOP products

Local agricultural products showcased at the market

Enjoying tea at the market

Mang Den market has many delicious dishes, particularly typical dishes of local people.

Tourists at home and abroad coming to Mang Den market

Translated Chung Anh

Source: PANO - en.qdnd.vn - Aug 5, 2024