Ensuring traffic safety in Hai Van Quan relic

Update: 21/05/2024
Surveillance cameras will be installed, whilst a self-management team will be set up, at a section of the Hai Van Pass at the Hai Van Gate relic site to ensure traffic safety and order security, according to the recent announcement made by Director of Road Management Area 3 Nguyen Thanh Binh.

The overview of the Hai Van Quan relic

Earlier, on May 14, the Road Management Area 3 under the Department of Roads of Viet Nam deployed a number of solutions to ensure security, order and traffic safety on a section of National Highway 1A passing the Hai Van Pass, especially the Hai Van Gate relic which is on the border of Lang Co Town in Thua Thien Hue Province's Phu Loc District and Da Nang's Hoa Hiep Bac Ward in Lien Chieu District.

The Road Management Area 3 agreed with the Traffic Police Departments of Da Nang and Thua Thien Hue Province to install surveillance cameras to monitor and handle traffic violations. This is a solution to strengthen the handling of traffic violations, especially the situation of teenagers gathering and riding motorbikes in groups on the Hai Van Pass, potentially endangering traffic safety.

In addition, the authorities will remove some median strips that are not consistent with the landscape of the relic. The main reason is thought to be that the route is a curve, but the median strip narrows the road surface, making it difficult for oversized vehicles to travel.

Moreover, the Da Nang Department of Transport is consulting with agencies and units to build parking lots for tourists at the Hai Van Quan relic, and rearrange business households outside the road safety corridor to enhance traffic safety.

In the immediate future, the unit will propose the municipal People's Committee to assign the Lien Chieu District authorities to establish a self-management and protection team to manage tourism activities in the area, thereby promptly handling issues related to traffic order, safety, and environmental protection in order to serve the sightseeing needs of tourists.

Reporting by Thanh Lan - Translating by M.Dung

Source: Da Nang English - baodanang.vn - May 16, 2024