VNAT provides training on responsible tourism practices

Update: 24/06/2024
(TITC) - During two days 20 - 21 June 2024, in Nha Trang city (Khanh Hoa), the Vietnam National Authority of Tourism (VNAT) in collaboration with CITES Vietnam and WWF Vietnam organized a "Training course on responsible tourism associated with nature and wildlife conservation". Participating in the class are tour guides, tour operators, and tourism instructors.

Mrs. Pham Le Thao - Deputy Head of the Travel Industry Management Division

Speaking at the opening of the training course, Mrs. Pham Le Thao - Deputy Head of the Travel Industry Management Division said that in recent years, VNAT has had many practical activities to develop responsible tourism, sustainable tourism.

Many activities with comprehensive and long-term meaning were implemented such as (1) Build and complete the legal corridor to develop tourism in general, sustainable tourism, responsible tourism, community tourism, and green tourism in particular; (2) Call for investment and effectively implement projects to develop sustainable tourism, responsible tourism, community tourism, and tourism environmental protection projects; (3) Strengthen cooperation with other countries and international organizations in tourism development and tourism environmental protection.

Representative of CITES Vietnam

The international organization WWF has effective cohesion and cooperation with the tourism industry in projects to protect the environment and nature. In the two years 2023 - 2024, along with CITES, WWF coordinates with the VNAT to implement the Ivory Demand Reduction Project with specific and meaningful activities.

These include organizing discussions with travel businesses on promoting responsible tourism associated with nature and wildlife conservation; Organize training courses for tour guides in key areas to promote responsible tourism associated with nature and wildlife conservation; Organize international seminars to exchange experiences in developing responsible tourism associated with nature and wildlife conservation...

Representative of WWF Vietnam

Mrs. Pham Le Thao emphasized that travel businesses and tour guides play a huge role, directly impacting the consumption behavior of tourists in developing sustainable tourism, protect biodiversity, preserve nature and wildlife. Therefore, improving the professional development of responsible tourism and sustainable tourism for tour guides is very necessary.

Within the framework of the training class, representatives from WWF Vietnam shared about the need to practice responsible tourism with nature and wildlife. CITES Vietnam introduced CITES regulations and Vietnam's laws on preventing wildlife trade in general, and ivory in particular. Travel Industry Management Division (VNAT) informed about Vietnam's responsible tourism development orientation and regulations.

Trainees were also trained by lecturers of the Department of Tourism, Hanoi Open University, on responsible tourism guiding skills associated with wildlife protection, saying no to ivory for the sustainable development of Vietnam tourism and the livelihoods of stakeholders; discussed the difficulties and problems in responsible tourism associated with wildlife protection and had a hands-on experience at Hon Ba nature reserve.

Tourism Information Technology Center. Photo: Organization Board